Renaming Stony Island: Big Deal or Cheap ploy to get black votes by the “Rham Father”

Posted: September 16, 2013 by URBAN CRUSADER in BLOG, URBAN CULTURE
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After a full weekend to absorb the madness about renaming “Stony Island” to Bishop Brazier way, I had to think about the contributions of other Chicagoan that have positively affected the south side along Stony Island. But there are also others who can argue that the “Wyatts” of Mt Vernon Church located on the southern most part of Stony Island should have the avenue renamed for them. Or what about the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Mosque Maryam is located on Stony Island and has been a pillar of strength in the community just as long if not longer than Apostolic Church? My point is that Stony Island is part of the landscape of the south side of Chicago. Mayor Rham Emanuel’s approval rating among black registered voters has gone way done. Depending on who you believe or what numbers you read the crime in Chicago is way down, but it seems to be a murder a day being reported by the Chicago media. School closings were designed to help struggling schools but “safe routes” and merging schools together is more of a problem than a solution. Rham took advantage of his relationship with President Obama to secure the black vote. People blindly voted for this guy without knowing what he was all about, which turns out to be nothing.  So with an election on the horizon, the “Rham Father” figured black folks will like me again if I name one of the largest avenues in the city after a black preacher. Well I got news for the mayor, not everybody attends the late Bishop Brazier’s church nor was his church actually located on Stony Island. Further more there is a legitimate argument to be made that others can lay claim to having the street named after them, the list is long but you get my point. Its not necessary, nor needed. If you want to regain the confidence of the black registered voters; focus on crime, education and jobs.

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